
Announcement of opening of the Greenland halibut fishery in NAFO divisions 4ST for the Upper and Middle North Shore competitive fixed gear fleet

Sept-Îles– May 27, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region announces the opening of the Greenland halibut fishery in NAFO divisions 4ST by the Upper and Middle North Shore fixed gear fleet of less than 19.81 m under competitive regime.

Announcement of fisheries management measures_ Atlantic Halibut_Gaspé fixed gears less than 13.71m fleet_Gaspé_Lower St-Lawrence Area

Gaspé – May 14, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region informs the Atlantic halibut 4RST Gaspé fixed gear fishermen of less than 13.71 m fleets (Turbot fishers group, Association es morutiers traditionnels de la Gaspésie (AMTG) et and Others group) of the management measures of the fishery in 2024-2025.

Announcement of fisheries management measures_ Atlantic Halibut_Gaspé fixed gears of 13.71m and over_ Gaspé_Lower St-Lawrence Area

Gaspé – May 14, 2024


Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region informs the Atlantic halibut 4RST Gaspé fixed gear fishermen of the 13.71 m and over fleets (Gaspé Longliners group and Others group) of the management measures of the fishery in 2024-2025.


Approved May 10, 2024

Application and Fishing Areas

This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) for Atlantic halibut applies to groundfish licence holders from the following fleets when conducting Atlantic halibut fishing activities in NAFO's 4RST Zone Divisions during the management year from May 15, 2024 to May 14, 2025.

Upper and Middle North Shore fixed gear fleet of less than 19.81 m (UMNS);

Lower North Shore fixed gear fleet of less than 19.81 m (LNS).

Announcement of the opening and management measures for the Atlantic halibut fishery by the Upper and Middle North Shore fleet

Sept-Îles – May 14, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Quebec Region announces the opening and Management Measures for the Atlantic halibut fishery in NAFO Divisions 4RST for the Upper and Middle North Shore (UMNS) fixed gear fleet of less than 19.81 m under the Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) regime in 2024-2025.

The initial allocation allowed to the fleet in 2024-2025 prior the application of the quota carryover and reconciliation is 110,335 t.


Sept-Îles – May 13, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region announces the opening of the herring fishery in fishing area 15. The opening will be effective on May 15, 2024.

Eligible fish harvesters who wish to participate in this fishery can ask for their Herring Conditions of licence through the National Licensing System (NOLS) from now on.

The total allowable catch (TAC) for the entire area 15 is established at 4 500 tons for 2024. A maximum catch level of 4 000 tons is allowed in NAFO Subdivision 4Sw.