Notices to Fish Harvesters

Opening and management measures of the Atlantic mackerel bait fishery for the 2024 season

Date of Notice

Québec – May 17, 2024

As announced by the minister on April 25, 2024, Fisheries and Oceans Canada will be releasing a total allowable catch (TAC) of 470 tonnes (t) for an Atlantic mackerel personal-use bait fishery in 2024, which will be split in two fishing periods and two equal parts. This will be a competitive fishery and the first fishing period with a quota of 235 t will open on Monday May 27, 2024, for all fish harvesters in all four DFO regions in Atlantic Canada and Quebec.

If the first 235 t quota is fully caught, harvesters will be alerted of an interim closure through a Notice to Fish Harvesters. The second fishing period with a 235 t quota will also be conveyed through a Notice to Fish Harvesters, with an expected opening date in August.

The reopening of the mackerel bait fishery will also provide harvesters the opportunity to collect length frequencies data on a voluntary basis, which can aid to inform the age structure of the stock for future stock assessments. For interested fish harvesters, please refer to the following link: Voluntary length frequency reporting for mackerel.

The management measures that will be in place for the reopening of this bait fishery are listed below.


Authorized fishing gear

A maximum of 3 gillnets of a maximum total length of 50 fathoms with a minimum mesh size of 69.85 mm and maximum mesh size of 73.025 mm OR a maximum of 6 handlines and 36 hooks total.

Maximum daily limit

The maximum daily limit of mackerel that fish harvesters can catch and retain is 454 kg (1 000 lb) in total.


A mandatory hail-out is required for all fish harvesters participating in the mackerel bait fishery.


A mandatory hail-in is required for all fish harvesters participating in the mackerel bait fishery. An accurate catch estimate must be provided before entering port.

Electronic logbook / logbook

For the electronic logbook (Elog), fish harvesters must use a client application approved by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and must have obtained and installed their Elog Key in their client application in order to allow data transmission to the Department.

For the paper logbook, licence holders must obtain their booklet from a prequalified supplier identified by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, which are listed at: Logbook suppliers

*Note for area 16 : exceptionally and only for the first fishing period for mackerel bait in 2024, licence holders in this area may use a paper logbook instead of the Elog.

Fishing restrictions

It is strictly forbidden to sell, trade or barter any fish caught under the authority of a bait licence.

Other measures

For other management measures, please refer to the Conditions of licence. Eligible licence holders who wish to participate in this fishery can obtain their Conditions of licence through the National Online Licensing System.


For additional information :

Please visit our website at the following address: DFO main page


Mathieu Pellerin

Resource management

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Quebec region



Magdalen Islands area: 418-986-2095

North Shore area 1-800-463-1729

Gaspe- Lower North Shore area: 1-877-898-5559