
Opening of the snow crab fishery, Area 12F for the 2024 season

Québec and Moncton – March 30, 2024


Fisheries and Oceans Canada announces the opening date of the snow crab fishery in Snow Crab Fishing Area 12F.

The fishery will open at 6:00 Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT) on April 1, 2024.

The fishery will close on June 30, 2024 at 23:59 hrs (ADT). All gear must be removed from the water by the end of the day June 30th, but landing of traps and crabs can occur, if required, on July 1st.

Announcement of the opening of the Area 12C snow crab fishery

Sept-Iles – March 28, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region announces the opening of the snow crab fishing season in area 12C. The opening is scheduled for Friday, April 5th, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. (EDT) for the first period.

As recommended by the fleet representatives, two periods of fishing activity is in effect in Area 12C for the 2024 season. Licence holders are offered the opportunity to choose among the 2 following options:

Option 1 :

From April 5th, 2024 at 05:00 a.m. (EDT) to July 11th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT);


Gaspé – March 26, 2024


Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec region announces the opening of the 4RST Greenland Halibut fishery for the licence holders of the Gaspé fixed gear fleet of less than 13.71 m under competitive regime.

Following discussions with industry representatives, fishing under competitive fisheries management will be permitted from April 1st, 2024 at 4:30 a.m. to May 14,2024 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT). The allocation available to the fishery is 43,06 t.

Announcement of the recipients of Areas 12 and 12F snow crab allocation for the Magdalen Islands lobster fleet, 2024 season

Magdalen Islands – March 22, 2024


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) – Quebec Region announces the distribution of Areas 12 and 12F snow crab allocation for the Magdalen Islands lobster fleet for the 2024 fishing season.

The snow crab allocation for Area 22 lobster fishers is divided between the two representative associations as follow : 66.6% to the Rassemblement des pêcheurs et pêcheuses des côtes des Iles (RPPCI) and 33.3% to the Association of Inshore fisherman (the INSHORE).


Opening of the snow crab fisheries in Area 12A- season 2024_Notice to fishers

Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Quebec Region announces the opening date for snow crab fishing in Area 12A for the 2024 Season March 24 at 5:00 am (EDT) as agreed in discussions with First Nations and industry.


The total allowable catch (TAC) of snow crab for Area 12A has been set at 40 tons. In accordance with the application of quota reconciliation, ITQs will be revised, if required.

Other management measures are contained in the Conservation Harvesting Plan approved on March 15, 2024.