Notices to Fish Harvesters

Announcement of fisheries management measures_ Atlantic Halibut_Gaspé fixed gears less than 13.71m fleet_Gaspé_Lower St-Lawrence Area

Date of Notice

Gaspé – May 14, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region informs the Atlantic halibut 4RST Gaspé fixed gear fishermen of less than 13.71 m fleets (Turbot fishers group, Association es morutiers traditionnels de la Gaspésie (AMTG) et and Others group) of the management measures of the fishery in 2024-2025.

The initial allocation of Atlantic halibut for the Gaspé fleet as a whole is set at 742,223 t for the 2024-2025 season. According to the permanent sharing agreement, between the fixed gear fleet of 13.71 m and over and of less than 13.71 m, established at 63.5% : 36.5% respectively, the allocation of the fleet of less than 13.71 m corresponds to 270. 911 t.

In accordance with the permanent sharing agreements between the Gaspe-Lower St. Lawrence fleets, the allocations are divided as follows:

Sectoral allocation share
Allocation (%) Quantity (t)
Turbot fishers group 47,75 129 360
AMTG group 9,75 26 414
Others group 14,75 39 959

In accordance with the application of quota reconciliation, both the competitive quotas and the individual transferable quotas will be revised, if required, in the coming weeks.

Fishing season and boat rental

Note the change in the fishing season of the Others fleet. This fleet will be authorized to fish from May 15 to October 31, 2024 and from April 1 to May 14, 2025, as the other two fleets (AMTG and Turbotiers) included in this CHP.

Fishing period
Fleets Dates
Turbot fishers group
  • May 15th to October 31st, 2024
  • April 1st to May 14th, 2025
AMTG group
  • May 15th to October 31st, 2024
  • April 1st to May 14th, 2025
Others group
  • May 15th to October 31st, 2024
  • April 1st to May 14th, 2025

The clause attached to boat rental has been reviewed, which authorizes boat rental for all holders of these three fleets, subject to the rules for boat replacement.

Temporary closure area

As a reminder, licence holders are advised of the continued temporary closure of part of the 4T division, considering the excessive by-catch of cod previously observed. This area will remain closed until further notice, and is bounded by straight lines delineated by the following points:

Temporary closure area
Longitude Latitude
49°02’00" N 64°10’00" O
48°31’00" N 62°37’00" O
48°23’00" N 63°08’00" O
48°46’00" N 64°10’00" O
49°02’00" N 64°10’00" O

Important reminder about the hail-out system

Please note that as of April 1, 2023, licence holders must now contact the DFO hail-out system by phone at 1-833-699-2021 or 1-506-431-3223 (satellite). Please refer to your licence conditions for more details.

Other Management Measures

The other management measures are grouped in the 2024-2025 Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) for Atlantic halibut 4RST of the Gaspé fixed gear fleet of less than 13. 71 m -Turbot fishers group AMTG and Others group approved on May 10, 2024.

Licence conditions

To obtain Conditions of Licence, fishers must access the National Licensing System online. For assistance with the National On-Line Licensing System, please contact Client Support by phone at 1-877-535-7307 or by e-mail at

For additional information :

Please visit our website at  Québec Region.


Julie Bernier

Resources Management

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Gaspé-Lower St. Lawrence area: 1-877- 898-5559

Note: In case of discrepancies between the English and the French versions, the latter prevail.