RADAR, Issue 02, May 2020

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RADAR, Issue 02, May 2020

A look at the Pay Pod

The Pay Centre Pods are an initiative created by the Pay Centre to process new pay transactions and urgent no-pay or low-pay cases in a timely manner.

Bringing together compensation advisors, compensation assistants, trainers and coaches, these teams are assigned to specific departments and agencies.

DFO joined its Pay Centre Pod in February 2019. Since then, most new cases are processed within their service standards and therefore avoid being added to the backlog.

DFO’s Pay Centre Pod includes Team 6, formed in 2017 to treat the unique pay issues for Coast Guard Fleet personnel.

The DFO-Coast Guard Pay Support Team has a great working relationship and open communication with our Pod to monitor and contribute to the progress on the resolution of cases.

noun /ˈbakˌlôɡ,ˈbakˌläɡ/

The backlog of transactions, as defined by Public Services and Procurement Canada, are open cases more than 45 days past their service standards.

Backlog reduction strategies for DFO include:

  • Pay Centre ensuring that new cases are processed within one pay period to avoid adding to the backlog;
  • DFO promoting timeliness, since late transactions require manual intervention by a compensation advisor (CA);
  • DFO CAs and Pay Center Pod CAs working collaboratively in processing cases in the backlog;
  • DFO CAs focusing on processing assigned backlog cases.

How are cases prioritized by the Pay Pod?

Pay Centre Pod compensation advisors prioritize current and urgent transactions (example: unpaid employees or employees receiving a significantly lower pay than expected).

This said, the Department recognized that, however big or small, each pay issue impacts the employee concerned. Therefore, our Department is committed to investing the necessary efforts to assist the Pay Center Pod in processing backlog transactions.



The DFO Let’s Talk Pay team is offering pay training sessions accessible outside
of the VPN especially to support section 34 managers. Check it out!


Did You Know?

Current payroll for DFO is now being processed according to Pay Centre service standards 92% of the time.

DFO Pay Operations Support Team has resolved nearly 2000 backlog cases and has prevented thousands more from joining the backlog.

The DFO backlog has decreased by 51% from a high of 58,000 in 2018

Tips & Tricks

You have the ability to ensure submitted time is paid!

Employees can: (access outside of VPN)

Managers can: