
Whelk – areas 1 TO 9 and 11 TO 15 – Quebec region 2023-2025-CHP

  1. Application

This Conservation harvesting plan is applicable to all Whelk fishing licence holders in the Quebec region.


  1. Fishing Areas

Areas 1 à 9: North Shore area.

Areas 11 à 14: Gaspé-Lower St. Lawrence area.

Areas 15: Magdalen Islands area.


The fishing areas coordinates are listed in the Conditions of licence and are also indicated on the fishing areas maps, which are available at the following address:

Scallop – areas 16A, 16B, 16C, 16D, 16G and 18D seasons 2023-2025-CHP



  1. Application

This Conservation-based harvesting plan (CHP) is aimed at scallop licence holders having access to sub-areas 16A, 16B, 16C, 16D, 16G and 18D – North Shore area, Quebec region. The CHP is in effect for the 2023 to 2025 seasons.

  1. Fishing areas

Sub-area 16A-1:      From Grande Anse to Pointe-du-Moulin

Sub-area 16A-2:      From Pointe-du-Moulin to Pointe-des-Monts

Sub-area 16B:          From Pointe-des-Monts to Pointe Jambon

Announcement of the opening lobster fishing season – Area 22


Magdalen Islands – May 5th, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region announces that pursuant to Variation Order 2023-Q-020, the lobster fishery in Area 22 will open May 6, 2023, at 5 A.M (ADT).

The fishing season will end on Saturday, July 8, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (ADT).

As the fishing timetable does not apply the last tree days of the season, fish harvesters will be authorized to haul their traps between 00:01 and 24:00 the last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 6-7 and 8.

Lobster_Areas 19A1_Exploratory fishing_Gaspé-Lower St-Lawrence_Season 2023_ Notice to fishers_May 2023

OBJECT : Announcement of the postponement of the opening of the lobster fishery – Areas 19-20

Gaspé – May 4, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Quebec Region announces the postponement of the opening of the lobster fishery in certain sub-areas of Area 19 and 20 according to the following dates:

Postponement of the Opening of the Lobster Fishery in Certain Sub-areas



Lobster_Areas 19A1_Exploratory fishing_Gaspé-Lower St-Lawrence_Season 2023_ Conservation Harvesting Plan_May 2023

Approved May 3, 2023

1. Application

This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) applies to exploratory lobster licence holder’s fleet of the subarea 19A1.

2. Fishing Areas

Exploratory lobster sub-areas are defined as portions of Lobster Fishing Area 19 and are bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed and closing at the coast:

Sub-area 19A1-A:

  • 48° 45' 25,0'' N 67° 47' 55,0'' W

  • 48° 53' 41,4'' N 67° 47' 55,3'' W

  • 48° 56' 34,0'' N 67° 40' 09,0'' W

Lobster_Areas 19, 20 and 21_Gaspé-Lower St-Lawrence_Season 2023_ Conservation Harvesting Plan_April 2023

Approved April 19, 2023

1. Application

This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) applies to the Lobster licence holder’s fleet of the area 19, 20 and 21.

2. Fishing Areas

The sub-areas are defined as parts of lobster fishing areas 19, 20 and 21, as defined in the Conditions of licence.

The fishing areas coordinates are listed in the Conditions of licence and are also indicated on the fishing areas maps, which are available at the following address:

Lobster areas 15 – Lower North Shore season 2023 - Notice to Fish Harvesters

Subject : Postponement of the lobster fishing season in area 15

Sept-Îles – May 4, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region announces the postponement of the opening lobster fishing season in area 15. The opening is now set on Monday, May 15, 2023 following the recommendation of the fleet representatives. The presence of ice in the area interferes with fishing activities. The closure is postponed on Sunday, August 6, 2023.


Approved April 25, 2023

1. Application

This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) for Lobster applies to the licence holders from the Magdalen Islands fleet when fishing lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 22 in 2023.

2. Fishing Areas

Subject to any Variation Order and based on valid Conditions of licence, the authorized fishing area is Lobster Fishing Area 22, a coastal area surrounding the Magdalen Islands.