
Scallop – areas 15 and sub-areas 16H and 16I seasons 2023-2025-CHP

Approved May 11, 2023

  1. Application

This Conservation-based harvesting plan (CHP) is aimed at scallop licence holders of area 15 and sub-areas 16H and 16I, Quebec region, North Shore area. The CHP is in effect for the 2023 to 2025 seasons.

  1. Fishing areas

Area 15:                 From Pointe Kegaska to the Quebec-Labrador border

Sub-area 16H:        From Natashquan wharf to Rivière de l'Étang

Sub-area 16I:         From Rivière de l’Étang to Pointe Kegaska

4RST Atlantic Halibut Gaspé fixed gears fleet of less than 13.71 metres _Gaspé Area_Announcement of fisheries management measures

Gaspé – May 9, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Quebec Region informs the Atlantic halibut 4RST Gaspé fixed gear fishermen of less than 13.71 m fleets (Turbot fishers group, Association es morutiers traditionnels de la Gaspésie (AMTG) et and Others group) of the management measures of the fishery in 2023-2024.

4RST Atlantic Halibut Gaspé fixed gears fleet of less than 13.71 metres_2023-2024_ Conservation Harvesting Plan

Approved May 5, 2023

1. Application

This Atlantic Halibut Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) applies to licensees of the following fleets when conducting Atlantic halibut fishing activities in 4RST Areas from May 15, 2023 to May 14, 2024 :

  • the Gaspé fixed gear fleet of less than 13.71 m from the Turbot fishers group;
  • the Gaspé fixed gear fleet under 13.71 m of the Association des morutiers traditionnels de la Gaspésie (AMTG) group;
  • the Gaspé fixed gear fleet of less than 13.71 m of the Others group.

Note that:

Lobster_ Changes to the opening_Areas19, 20 and 21_Gaspé-Lower St.Lawrence area_Season 2023_Notice to fish harvesters

OBJECT : Announcement of changes to the opening of the lobster fishery – Areas 19 and 20

Gaspé – May 9, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Quebec Region announces changes in the opening of the lobster fishery in sub-areas 19A-3 ant 20A-1 according to the following dates:

  • Zone 19A-3: May 12 to July 21, 2023
  • Zone 20A-1: May 11 to July 18, 2023

Please note that the season will start at 4:30 a.m. on opening day and end at 11:59 p.m. on closing day for all sub-areas.

Lobster_Postponement of the opening_Areas19, 20 and 21_Gaspé-Lower St.Lawrence area_Season 2023_Notice to fish harvesters

OBJECT : Announcement of the postponement of the opening of the lobster fishery – Area 19

Gaspé – May 9, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Quebec Region announces the postponement of the opening of the lobster fishery in sub-area 19B according to the following date:

  • Zone 19B: May 11 to July 20, 2023

Please note that the season will start at 4:30 a.m. on opening day and end at 11:59 p.m. on closing day for all sub-areas.

The 2023 Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) was approved on April 19, 2023.


1. Application

This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) for Atlantic halibut and Greenland halibut applies to the groundfish licence holders of the Gaspé fixed gear fleet of 13.71 metres and over belonging to the Gaspé Longliners group and to the Others group, when conducting Atlantic halibut fishing activities in Divisions 4RST and Greenland halibut in Divisions 4RST from May 15, 2023 to May 14, 2024. 
It should be noted that:

Whelk – areas 1 TO 9 and 11 TO 15 – Quebec region 2023-2025-CHP

  1. Application

This Conservation harvesting plan is applicable to all Whelk fishing licence holders in the Quebec region.


  1. Fishing Areas

Areas 1 à 9: North Shore area.

Areas 11 à 14: Gaspé-Lower St. Lawrence area.

Areas 15: Magdalen Islands area.


The fishing areas coordinates are listed in the Conditions of licence and are also indicated on the fishing areas maps, which are available at the following address: