Population Ecology Research at SABS
The Population Ecology Section staff conduct research and stock evaluations to provide scientific advice for fisheries management and the Species at Risk program. This includes research on a broad range of marine finfish and invertebrate resources, including Atlantic herring, haddock, cod, pollock, yellowtail flounder, swordfish, bluefin tuna, lobster, Jonah crab, rock crab, and sea urchin. Scientific information is gathered from field surveys, tagging programs, aging studies, commercial catch data, and field and laboratory studies. Results are reported in peer-reviewed documents.
Our primary focus is the Gulf of Maine and the Bay of Fundy, which include several transboundary stocks that are assessed collaboratively with scientists from the United States. We have the national mandate for Atlantic tunas and swordfish, highly migratory fish stocks that are managed by an international fisheries commission. Research is conducted to improve the evaluation and management of Species at Risk, as referred to in the Species at Risk Act - Aquatic.
Station scientists are leading in the development of methodology and technology for stock assessment, including the transition to an ecosystem approach to management. Our work continues to draw international recognition and interest.