2024 Elver Enforcement Outcomes

The elver fishery was not open for 2024, therefore anyone found fishing for elver was subject to enforcement action as per the Fisheries Act and the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations.

These are the elver enforcement outcomes, for 2024:
Arrests/Seized Total
Number of arrests 169
Number of vehicles seized 29
Kilograms of elver seized (approximate) 396.3
Fyke nets seized 159
Dip nets seized 329

Last updated November 7, 2024.

Fishery officers patrolled rivers, facilities and export points to deter and disrupt unauthorized elver harvest, sale and export from the region. Fishery officers also worked with other law enforcement agencies to combat the unauthorized harvest, sale and export of elver. Fisheries and Oceans Canada reminds everyone that unauthorized fishing and violence will not be tolerated. Such actions undermine sustainable fisheries management in Canada.

Anyone who has information on suspected unauthorized elver fishing, purchasing, or selling, is encouraged to call 1-800-565-1633 and dial option 6, or to contact their local Conservation and Protection detachment.