Notices to Fish Harvesters

Launch of the new Fishing Gear Reporting Tool (2021-07-29)

Date of Notice

Notice to Fish Harvesters

Launch of the new Fishing Gear Reporting Tool 

Québec – July 29th, 2021 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is pleased to announce the launch of the online Fishing Gear Reporting System. Fish harvesters and authorized retrievers can now easily access and submit the required lost or retrieved gear reporting forms simply and efficiently. This reporting helps the Department and other partners locate and remove lost gear from our waters and, in many cases, return the gear to its rightful owner. 

Access to the reporting system as well as PDF forms, if required, continue to be available at the commercial reporting website. Harvesters may report their lost and retrieved gear through either the reporting system or through ELOGS, if available. 

If you have questions or require assistance using the reporting system, please E-mail: 

For additional information

Please visit our website at the following links to get additional information about this initiative : 

Commercial reporting website: Reporting requirements for commercial fisheries


New reporting system:

Fishing Gear Reporting System 

PDF versions, if required:

Lost fishing gear form

Retrieval of previously reported lost fishing gear form