A Winning Formula for Networking and Sharing Expertise
Representatives from nine of the Coastal Restoration Fund’s recipient organizations were invited to participate in workshops held in March 2019 at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute. The workshop format promoted interaction and networking among the recipient organizations and experts in various fields. Each organization presented the results from the first year of implementation of its project.
Guest experts spoke about subjects directly related to the projects underway, including coastal dynamics and habitat connectivity. Training on identifying marine fish was given by an expert from Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Information kiosks and a tour of the Institute generated productive discussions with various teams.
The event was very well received, and participants commented that it would be worth repeating!
To find out more about the Coastal Restoration Fund and the projects it has funded, visit http://dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceans/crf-frc/index-eng.html.
Since its launch in 2017, the Coastal Restoration Fund (CRF) has contributed to implementing 40 projects designed to help restore coastal aquatic habitats in six regions of Canada. Nine projects are already underway in Quebec, and new ones will be launched shortly, following the most recent call for proposals. Since this five-year program will soon reach its halfway point, the purpose of bringing the key stakeholders together in the workshops was to share all the relevant information that could support and improve the CRF projects in Quebec and maximize their positive impact. Feedback from the workshops will be used to improve program delivery.
Danielle Dorion et Marie-Hélène Gendron
Ecosystems Management
This past March, nine organizations that have received financial support from the Coastal Restoration Fund shared their expertise.