Quebec Fisheries Fund – Review 2019-2021
Since its launch in April 2019, the Quebec Fisheries Fund (QFF), which aims to boost innovation in the Quebec fish and seafood sector, received more than 90 funding applications, 47 of which were accepted, representing a value of nearly $7 million*.
By supporting sustainable and long-term growth in the value of seafood products and the continuous improvement of their quality, the QFF recognizes the economic and cultural importance of a sector that provides close to 7,000 jobs in Quebec.
To date, the highest number of projects funded has been in the Gaspé – Lower St. Lawrence region, with 20 out of 47 projects. However, with contributions of $2.8 million, the Magdalen Islands region has received the largest amount.
The distribution of projects by sector is 29 for harvesting, 13 for processing and 5 for aquaculture.
Of the QFF’s three pillars, namely innovation (the development of new products and technologies), infrastructure (the use of new technologies related to equipment or processes) and science partnerships, the second is undoubtedly the most popular. More than 60 % of the approved projects targeted the adoption of new technologies. The purchase of shrimp trawl monitoring equipment is very popular and has given good results. The QFF has also funded several process automation projects in processing plants.
In terms of innovation, pilot projects to test new, more selective and ecological fishing equipment were also supported by the program.
Despite the withdrawal and slowdown of some projects due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the QFF’s second year was still positive. Some 20 projects are currently being analyzed and 5 other projects, worth $1,000,000, are in the process of ministerial approval.
The QFF, funded by the governments of Canada and Quebec with a financial envelope of $42.8 million, will run until March 31, 2024. More information is available on the Quebec Fisheries Fund website. Requests for information can also be sent to dfo.queqff fpqque.mpo@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.
*Data as of May 1, 2021.