Notices to Fish Harvesters

Summary of the conservation harvesting plan (CHP)- Season 2024

Date of Notice

Approved  April 24, 2024

Application and Fishing Areas

This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) for snow crab applies to the Area 13 snow crab fishing licence holders from Quebec and Newfoundland & Labrador Regions.

Fishing season

The specific periods of the 2024 snow crab fishing season will be confirmed by Notice to Fishermen or Variation Orders. The duration of the fishing season will be 14 weeks in length, with two season options, at the option of the licence holder.


Snow crab quotas will be 220.03 tons in 2024.


Fishing Gear

Licence holders with one quota are authorized to use a maximum of 85 standard traps or 170 Japanese traps and licence holders with more than one quota are authorized to use a maximum of 105 standard traps and 210 Japanese traps.

Other management measures

Management measures for the snow crab fishery in 2024 will also include the following aspects:

Gear soak time and marking;

Management measures to minimize the risks or interactions with the North Atlantic Right Whale;

Marine mammal interaction report;

Hail prior to departure;

At-sea observer;

Dockside monitoring;

Reporting of fishing effort and catches (logbook);

Vessel Monitoring System (VMS);

White crab monitoring and management;

Boat length;


Quota reconciliation;

Species at risk;

Crew registry;

Discharge of waste;

National Online Licensing System.

For any question regarding this CHP:


North shore area: 1-800-463-1729

Corner Brook area (Newfounland & Labrador) : 709-637-4308



Dominic Boula

Resource Management

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Quebec (QC)