Recreational Fisheries

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for managing recreational fisheries for various marine species in Quebec. These fisheries, for which licences are not required, take place in the Saguenay River and in the St Lawrence Estuary and Gulf.

Recreational fishing is an activity undertaken for leisure, and catches are intended solely for the use of the person fishing. It is strictly forbidden to sell products from this fishery.

Recreational fishing for crustaceans such as lobster or crab is always prohibited in Quebec.
Always check if the areas are open before harvesting. It's a question of health.
Pelagic fish
Capelin and mackerel fishing is practiced without a licence, but rules apply.
Groundfish - Spring/Summer
The recreational groundfish fishery is practiced without a licence, but rules apply.


Groundfish - Winter
The recreational groundfish fishery is practiced without a licence, but rules apply.
Freshwater fish
Rules governing fishing on a lake or river are a provincial responsibility.
Help us preserve resources and denounce acts of poaching.
For more information
Contact the regional office in your area for additional information.