Participants present
ORGANIZATION Representative
Alliance des pêcheurs professionnels du Québec (APPQ) Absent
Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels de la Haute et Moyenne Côte-Nord (RPPHMCN) Absent
Fédération des pêcheurs semi-hauturiers du Québec Absent
Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels du sud de la Gaspésie (RPPSG) Absent
Association des pêcheurs-propriétaires des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (APPIM) Mario Déraspe
Regroupement des palangriers et pétoncliers uniques madelinot (RPPUM) Ghislain Cyr
Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (RPPIM) Absent
Groupe de pêcheurs de la zone F Inc. Absent
Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels du Nord de la Gaspésie (RPPNG) Absent
Association des pêcheurs de la Basse Côte-Nord (APBCN) Paul Nadeau
Association des capitaines-propriétaires de la Gaspésie (ACPG) Jean-Pierre Couillard
Association des morutiers traditionnels de la Gaspésie Marc Diotte
Association des pêcheurs de crabe de la zone 17 Claude Gosselin
Association des crabiers Gaspésiens Daniel Desbois (présence partielle)
Office des pêcheurs de crabe des neiges de la zone 16 Absent
Agence Mamu Innu Kaikusshet (AMIK) Serge Langelier
Secrétariat Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Absent
Communauté malécite de Viger Absent
Association de gestion halieutique autochtone Mi'kmaq et Malécite Emmanuel Sandt-Duguay


One member Absent
Permanent members


  • Regional Director General
  • Regional Director, Fisheries Management
  • Regional Director, Policy and Economics
  • Marine area directors (3)


Richard Nadeau
Patrick Vincent
Maité Chavez
Vincent Malouin, Jean Morisset and Sylvette Leblanc

Casual members (as needed, depending on the items discussed)


  • Regional Director, Small Craft Harbours
  • Regional Director, Science
  • Regional Director, Ecosystems Management


Serge Gosselin
Gordon Walsh

Observers present

Raynald Gosselin, Pascale Fortin

Permanent member Absent
Casual member (as needed, depending on the items discussed) Absent


1 - Welcome

Richard Nadeau welcomes the participants and summarizes current accomplishments. He also outlines his expectations for the coming months.

2 - Follow-up on the changes made to the vessel replacement rules for the Quebec Region inshore fleet

Patrick Vincent says that following receipt of proposals from the industry, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Quebec Region, approved new regional vessel replacement rules for the inshore fleet (<65 feet). Everything is confirmed through a “Notice to Fish Harvesters” issued on June 12, 2014. 

Raynald Gosselin summarizes the key changes made to the vessel replacement rules. Apart from suggesting changes to vessel length rules, no other proposed policy changes are suggested for purposes of discussion at the Liaison Committee level.

Patrick Vincent suggests that a select committee of three to four people be formed to review other proposals and that two or three conference calls could be held in September and October to review and make (a) recommendation(s) to the Liaison Committee, which is expected to meet in November.

The participants immediately agree to the relevance of forming a select committee to review new policy change options and making recommendations to the Liaison Committee in November. Paul Nadeau and Emmanuel Sandt-Duguay volunteer to sit on the select committee.  Daniel Desbois also shows interest.

Summary of next steps


  1. Finalize creation of the select committee and identify participants.
  2. Hold select committee conference calls in September and October.

For the industry

  1. Consult its members to identify proposed changes.
  2. Send DFO the outcomes of the consultations.

3 - Work plan on changes to make to fisheries management policies on Canada’s Atlantic coast

Richard Nadeau says that a meeting with the Independent Fish Harvesters Federation will be held in Halifax on July 23 and 24, 2014.  He says that this meeting is the Federation’s responsibility, the Federation having coordinated the meeting details directly with DFO National Headquarters.

Among the known agenda items proposed by the Federation are the Policy for Preserving the Independence of the Inshore Fleet in Canada’s Atlantic Fisheries (controlling agreement), owner-operator and fleet separation policies, intergenerational transfer of licences, and fisheries governance.

General comment

  • Some participants regret that several small associations are not part of this federation; they want to participate but cannot because of funding issues.

More specific comment

  • Some participants want to know more about the topics to be discussed and about the process to follow to join this federation.  As DFO was not involved in implementing this federation, communicating directly with a fishing organization that belongs to it is suggested.  The same goes for proposed agenda items.

Summary of next steps


  • Participate in DFO–Federation meeting in July.
  • Bring this topic to the next Liaison Committee meeting for discussion.

For fisher representatives

  • Consult other fishing organizations and Federation members for additional information.

4 - Consultation pour le projet d’aire marine protégée du Banc des Américains

Regional Ecosystems Management Director Gordon Walsh gives an update on the American Bank Marine Protected Area project: its purpose, its geographic boundaries, its target objectives, the steps involved in its creation, the expected benefits and the proposed regulatory measures.

This project’s consultation process is over.  In this respect, the industry is reminded that its comments are expected by July 11. The next step will consist in completing preparation of the regulatory intent and drafting the regulation creating the marine protected area.

Comments :
No comments from participants.

Summary of next steps

For DfO

  • Complete consultations.
  • Draft regulatory intent.

Fisher representatives

  • Provide comments by July 11, 2014.

5 - Marine Protected Area Network for the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence

Gordon Walsh informs the Liaison Committee members that, on May 15, 2014, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the National Conservation Plan (NCP). This plan proposes a more coordinated approach with respect to conservation efforts across the country with an emphasis on enabling Canadians to conserve and restore lands and waters in and around their communities.

This five-year initiative in excess of $37 million, will support Canada’s commitments to biodiversity between now and 2020. One of the NCP’s objectives is to strengthen marine and coastal conservation.  For more information about this initiative, click the following link: 


This plan supports the development of a network of marine protected areas in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Gordon Walsh reminds everyone that the network’s goal is to contribute to protecting marine biodiversity and to the sustainability of the uses of the marine environment in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Summary of next steps


  • Continue planning a network of marine protected areas in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence.

6 - Items for the next meeting

The outcomes of the select committee’s efforts will be presented at the next meeting, expected to be in November 2014.  However, members are invited to share their suggestions for discussion items.

7 - Other business


The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:30 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Raynald Gosselin.