Marine Mammals
Dead or in-distress marine mammals
Whether to intervene quickly in case of distress or to document mortality, the Marine Mammal EmergenciesQuebec network must be informed as soon as possible if you observe a dead or distressed mammal.
Also note that species at risk, even when dead, are protected under the Species at Risk Act.
Dead or in-distress marine mammals
Marine mammal research in Canada
The health and ecology of marine mammals are the subject of much research to help us better know and protect them. The Centre of Expertise in Marine Mammalogy of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is run from the Maurice Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli, Quebec.
Watching marine mammals in Quebec
Regulations to protect marine mammals have been put in place to allow you to fully experience your nautical activities without compromising the survival and recovery of marine mammals. Specific measures affect certain sectors or species, taking their particularities into account.
- Navigation Rules around Beluga Whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary
- Marine Mammal Regulations
- Marine Activities in the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations
If you witness acts that contravene the law, report them to Poaching Alert: 1-800-463-9057
Links of interest
Further information and educational tools for marine mammals -identification, behaviour, protective measures, etc.- are available from: