Recreational Groundfish and Pelagic Fisheries: Reminder about Rules
In Quebec, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for managing recreational fishing (also known as sport fishing) of marine species, meaning fish that live exclusively in saltwater.
Every year, recreational fishing of groundfish is permitted with fishing period and daily catch limit restrictions for each fishing area. The recreational groundfish fishery is practised using only a line, without a licence. Fishing periods and catch limits are published on our website.
Recreational fishing of pelagic fish, such as mackerel and capelin, is also permitted. This fishery may be practised at any place and time, without a specific licence. However, mackerel may be fished using only a line. Any fishing gear may be used to fish capelin, except trap nets, seine lines and mobile gear.
Although recreational fishing is permitted in the Saguenay, in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, remember that it is a recreational activity and that catches must be for personal use only. The sale of catches is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the Fisheries Act and its regulations could result in prosecution.