
Partnerships in the Field for Sustainable Recreational Fisheries

Marie-Hélène Gendron

In 2013, Fisheries and Oceans Canada implemented the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program (RFCPP) to provide financial support for habitat restoration projects for fish affected by recreational fisheries. This grant program is aimed at projects that are managed and carried out by local proponents in order to maintain the recreational fishery in Canada. In Quebec, the program is coordinated by the Fisheries Protection Division – Client Liaison, Partnerships, Standards and Guidelines Division, whose mandate includes supporting partnerships with organizations with the goal of improving the sustainability of fisheries.

The Partnerships Program provides funding to proponent organizations up to a maximum of 50% of a project's total cost. The difference in funding must come from other sources. For this reason, important partners such as the Fondation de la faune du Québec or the Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique have often been involved in the RFCPP's projects.

The Partnerships Program is a true economic lever for wildlife territories such as the controlled harvesting zones (ZECs) and makes it possible to obtain funding for projects that are essential in maintaining the quality of the fishery and, indirectly, in creating seasonal jobs.

Since 2013, four calls for proposals have been made. Nearly 60% of the organizations that submitted a proposal have recreational fishing development as their main mandate; the other 40% have conservation mandates. Since the Program was launched, over 87 projects around Quebec have received nearly $4.5 million.

A new call for proposals was launched between March 11 and April 22, 2016 to invite qualified organizations (including Aboriginal Groups since the last call) to submit their proposals to restore fish habitat. The contribution agreements between organizations and the department will be set for a period between one year and three years. This begins a new wave of partnerships for the next three years.

Two other funding application periods are scheduled for late Fall 2016 and Fall 2017.

Visit our website for more information about the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program.

Marie-Hélène Gendron
Ecosystems Management
Restoration projects

The Groupe de concertation des bassins versants de la zone Bécancour (GROBEC) undertook restoration projects to diversify Brook Trout habitat, curb bank erosion and create more diverse water flow patterns.

Picture of the organizations who have submitted a proposal since 2013

Since 2013, six types of organizations have submitted a proposal.


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