
The Maurice Lamontagne Institute is Celebrating its 30th Birthday

Yves de Lafontaine

With over 70 laboratories, including a cutting-edge wet lab, the Maurice Lamontagne Institute (MLI) is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. Over the last three decades at the MLI, versatile, skilled and experienced teams have been performing research on a wide range of marine species and aquatic ecosystems.

The MLI's teams provide crucial data for fisheries, aquaculture, oceanography, hydrography, navigation, and management and protection of living resources, habitats and aquatic ecosystems, including marine mammals and species at risk.

Its teams also work to implement three important laws:

  • The Fisheries Act to protect aquatic species and their habitats
  • The Species at Risk Act to protect and recover aquatic species at risk both in fresh water and in the marine environment
  • The Oceans Act to develop a network of marine protected areas in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence

Many discoveries have been made over the years. Highlights include:

  • Oxygen-poor marine areas in the Estuary
  • A better understanding of the feeding and migratory behaviour of the blue whale
  • Measurement and modelling of oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
  • Development of the Viking oceanographic buoy with its innovative wave sensor

Every year, the MLI's teams assess the abundance of over 40 fish and invertebrate stocks and provide advice on conservation and management of these important resources. They also monitor oceanographic conditions, documenting the impact of climate change and populating ocean models.

The Institute contributes to innovation and the acquisition of new scientific knowledge, and the work performed there provides a reliable scientific foundation to protect the marine environment and resources and ensure safe navigation.

It is with great pride that I invite you to join us in celebrating 30 years of success, thanks to our teams' effort, which has had such a profound impact on our relationship with our abundant and valuable aquatic ecosystems!

Several events are in the works to celebrate this birthday. The programming will include activities for employees, clients and partners. A favourite of the general public will be back this fall from October 12 to 15, 2017: our Open House days, which we hope will encourage discussions with our teams and illustrate the connection between the work we do and events in daily life. We hope to see many of you there!

Yves de Lafontaine
Regional Director of Science and Director of the Maurice Lamontagne Institute
Maurice Lamontagne Institute 30th anniversary logo


Photo of aerial view of the Maurice Lamontagne Institute

The Maurice Lamontagne Institute is Fisheries and Oceans Canada's only Francophone research centre


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