Notices to Fish Harvesters

Announcement of a moratorium on commercial snow crab fishing in Area 12B_Gaspé Area_ Notice to fishers

Date of Notice

SUBJECT : Announcement of a moratorium on commercial snow crab fishing in Area 12B



Québec / Gaspé – March 25, 2022


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) - Quebec Region announces the closure of the commercial snow crab fishery in Area 12B as of now in order to allow the recovery of this stock.


From a resource conservation perspective, this indefinite closure is necessary to stop the decline in the biomass of this snow crab stock and allow its recovery.


A rebuilding plan will need to be developed and implemented to promote stock growth. Thus, DFO will work with the representatives of the fishing industry and the First Nations concerned in order to define, among other things, the recovery objectives, the means for collecting scientific information to monitor the state of the stock as well as the modalities for reopening the fishery.

DFO will communicate with industry representatives and affected First Nations to agree on the terms and conditions for the development of the recovery plan.



For additional information

To obtain additional information regarding management measures and fishing areas Please visit our website




Jérôme Beaulieu

Ressource Management

Quebec region

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Gaspé-Lower St. Lawrence area: 1-877-898-5559


Note: In case of discrepancies between the English and the French versions, the latter prevail.