
Fishery openings and Notice of fishing prohibitions

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Fishery related activities may be subject to closure by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for conservation, safety, contamination, seasonal or other reasons.

Prohibition Order
: MSN-2023-063
Prohibition Order

Bar Clams, Soft Shell Clams, Bay Quahaugs, Razor Clams, Atlantic Surf-Clam, Clams, Mussels, Oysters, Whelk, Bivalve Molluscs, Northern Moonshell, Bay Scallops, Ocean Quahaug, Stimpson's Surf Clam

2023-11-23 - 15:22:28
- AT
2024-05-05 - 08:13:28 - EDT
Revocation date :

The Regional Director General of Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the Maritimes Region issues Contaminated Fisheries Prohibition Order No.:


thereby prohibiting the harvesting of all bivalve shellfish (except sea scallops), including Atlantic razor clams, Atlantic surf clams, bay quahaugs, northern propeller clams, ocean quahaugs, softshell clams, Stimpson's surf clams, bay mussels, blue mussel, horse mussels, American oysters, bay scallops, Iceland scallops, northern moon snails, waved whelks, and Stimpson's whelks in the following area: 

Oak Bay East New Brunswick:

The Eastern portion of Oak Bay inside a line drawn from a point at 45.22407 N 67.17632 W to a point at 45.18426 N 67.16012 W to a point at 45.18222 N 67.15250 W.

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the coordinates are expressed using the World Geodetic  System 1984 (WGS84). 

For further information contact a local fishery officer and refer to Contaminated Fisheries Prohibition Order No. MSN-2023-063

Issued at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia on November 23, 2023. 

Paul Gillis

Associate Regional Director General           

Maritimes Region

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